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Sweeping the Skies with Maria Mitchell, America's first woman astronomer
(living history portrayal)

Sweeping the Skies with Maria Mitchell, America's first woman astronomer
(Portrayed by Noreen Grice, award-winning astronomy educator and New England Native)

At one time, science was considered a career for men only. Maria Mitchell changed that! Peering through a small telescope from a roof in Nantucket Island in 1847, she discovered a comet that had never been seen before. She won a gold medal and was named the first female member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. With her worldwide fame, Maria Mitchell paved a path of new opportunities in science for all women.

Sweeping the Skies is a living history portrayal of America’s first woman astronomer, Maria Mitchell. Dressed in 19th century clothing, Miss Mitchell arrives at your organization and recalls memories of growing up as an inquisitive student in the whaling community of Nantucket, opening her own school, serving as librarian in the town Atheneum and finally becoming the very first Professor of astronomy and Observatory Director at Vassar College. Whenever she faced challenges, she never gave up. When people said she couldn’t, she did. Maria Mitchell’s story continues to inspire girls to consider careers in astronomy and the STEM fields.

After the program, Professor Mitchell answers questions from the audience.

Running time: 40 minutes plus time for questions.

Previous appearances: * Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC

Click here to schedule a visit with astronomer Maria Mitchell


Noreen Grice Galileo, Chelsea and Maria Mitchell
Chelsea and Noreen Grice Noreen, Chelsea with Telescope
NASM DCamera and Noreen Grice Noreen with Visitors